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  • "Pamūšas muiža" - 14, Pamūša, Gailīšu pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3931
  • +371 24119959
  • info@pamusa.lv
  • 40008304747
  • AS "Citadele banka", LV44PARX0026885140001


Pamūša manor in the context of Zemgale (Semigallia)

Pamūša manor is situated in Pamūša village, Gailīši parish, Bauska region. The manor is located on the left bank of the Mūsa River above Bauska. Bauska is 5 km away but Riga - 75 km. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Pamūša manor complex included 17 buildings and small architectural forms. Even earlier, the territory of the manor complex was on both sides of the  Mūsa River, including Ārce manor, which was separated from the Pamūša manor in the 17th century. To this day, only the manager's house has remained unchanged. The manor house was rebuilt in the 1960s and the farm buildings have changed beyond recognition or even completely disappeared. But evidence of the former appearance of the buildings can be found in archival materials and in people's memories.


The vision of Pamūša manor’s development

The new identity of the landscape space of Pamūša manor will be based on cultural and historical heritage, protected values of nature and new technologies and ideas.

Protected nature values

Pamūša Park has been granted the status of a natural monument and protected dendrological plantations

Historical development of Pamūša manor


    until year 1200

    Semigallia state Upmale, with the leading castle mound – hillfort Mežotne.


    In 1254

    the brothers of the German Order divide Upmale into 3 parts, the territory where Pamūša is now located agrees with the bishop and his heirs to be divided in such way.


    In 1272

    It was State of the Livonian Order.


    In 1422

    It was part of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy, Samogitia. Manor development.


    In 1566

    It was part of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia


    In 1611

    The Duke of Courland Friedrich renewed the unloading of the plot of land to the courtier of the Courland court Dietrich Viebergs, whose father had already been granted it in 1571. (Vyberg, Viebergs County)


    In 1729

    V. Kr. von Butlars was stated as the owner of Pamūša.


    In 1739

    Pamūša belonged to Otto Sigismund von Tiesenhausen


    In 1749

    Karl von Korff sold Pamūša to K. Klopmann, Klopmann resold the manor to Captain Georg Johann von Bolshwing a month later


    In 1750

    the manor became the property of the Duke's stable master Gerhard Christoph von Nolde


    In 1753

    the manor was bought by Captain Hermann Evald Fink von Finkenstein. After that Pamūša was in the hands of von Grothus and von Hahnbom families


    In 1759

    the manor belonged to the Polish chamberlain and the commissioner of the Knights of Courland D. E. von Heiking


    In 1769

    the manor became the property of the Duke of Courland Ernst Johann von Biron. Then the first known description of the manor inventory was made


    In 1791

    the Pamūša manor was being rented by the lord of the castle Bauska F. von den Brinken


    On June 28, 1796

    this former duke's property was given to Russian state adviser Johann von Rikman.


    In 1797

    the annexation of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia and its annexation to the Russian Empire, the Courland province is formed.


    On January 5, 1800

    the manor was sold to the college assessor Johann Friedrich von Berner


    In 1832

    the manor was bought from the curators by Berner's widow Marianne von Berner


    In 1833

    after the death of Marianne von Berner her son Johann came to an agreement with both sisters and took over Pamūša


    On December 18, 1848

    Pamūša was sold as inherited mortgaged property to the Mayor of Riga Heinrich Karl Johann von Bötticher


    19 October 1854

    He sold it to his son Karl Gustav von Bötticher


    In 1909

    Pamūša was bought by the owner of Kaucminde, Count Paul Peter Adolf von der Pahlen


    In 1921

     the Pamūša manor center was allocated to the general of the Latvian Army Jēkabs Ruškevics, a tenant lived in the former manor house


    In 1945

    when Latvia was annexed to the USSR, the land of Pamūša manor was nationalized and the Gailīši village council was established instead of Ceraukste parish


    In 1959

    the territory of Pamūša was included in the collective farm "Soviet Latvia"


    In 1960

    the manor house was completely rebuilt


    In 1973

    the territory was added to the collective farm "Uzvara" in Gailīši village, Bauska district


    In 1989

    an expedition of Rundāle Palace Museum staff to Pamūša manor happens


    In 1990

    the restoration of Latvia's independence, denationalization, privatization of the manor house in favor to local residents


    In 2021

    the association "Pamūša manor" is founded